Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Won the Bet

So this past weekend, i went with my boyfriend to VeloSwap.  It's a giant yard sale full of everything cycling.  He rented booth space to sell a lot of his stuff in order to afford to buy my engagement ring.  What a sweetie!  So, of course, I thought I'd tag along and try to help him sell stuff.  I mean, I can be persuasive if I want to be.  And you better believe in this case, I wanna be!

So as the day was winding to an end, Kyle turns to me with a challenge.  There was a bike stem that had been sitting on the table for sale all day for $5.  He said that if I could sell it for $1 or more, he'd propose by the end of November.  (We'd already sold his road bike and knew he'd made enough to completely pay off the ring.)  Up until this point, I'd gotten a promise of engagement by the end of the year, but it was looking like December 31 might likely be the day.  So, hell yeah, I took the bet!

Needless to say, it doesn't take a whole lot to convince a woman to spend a dollar to help a sister out!  That's right.  It took less than 5 minutes to sell that bike stem to someone who had absolutely no desire for it.  Take that, sucker!  So, within a month, I should be posting some exciting news and a picture of a beautiful shiny ring.  Can't wait!

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